Who are we?

IKIDS is one of the “Our People” projects, which aims to enable children who have survived the war to express their feelings through drawing.

Why do we do it?

Children see the world as it is, their perception of the world is guided only by their feelings, and we want them to share their experiences with the world so that you can see the war through the eyes of our children. This will allow us adults to better understand what the little ones who are close to us feel and help them survive the most difficult times for Ukraine.

Regulations of the social project:

if your child has survived the war, let him express his feelings through a picture:

  1. Ask the child to draw a city or a tree or himself, or whatever he wants during the war (what he remembers from the last time in his hometown). And the second drawing should be on the topic of “how he sees his city after the war ends».
  2. Ask the child to write (voice, and adults to take notes) what exactly she depicted.
  3. Follow the link, fill out the form and add a photo of the child’s drawing.

What will happen to the child’s drawing?

The picture will be posted on our website with the name, age and city of the child. A psychologist will make a general portrait of our children and the necessary steps to improve communication with them.

If parents wish, we can send personal recommendations personally. The best children’s works will be awarded with gifts from the “Svoilyud” organization, and the best drawing with ideas on how to restore this or that will be executed/constructed in reality.

In addition, we will collect the best pictures and organize a photo exhibition, where anyone who wants to can buy the specified work. All funds received will go to the realization of the dreams of children from cities that are currently under enemy fire.